HelloStudio! UG
Gently Digitalising the Casting Procedure
When a role in an advertisement is being cast, an eCasting is requested more frequently than a live casting. The models are required to create and provide their own eCastings, which must be up to date and project related.
Sending photos and videos as e-mail attachments or via WeTransfer generates a long chain of uploads and downloads. This is time-consuming, complicates archiving and endangers important image data, which is essentially the models’ capital.
UX Design
Graphic Design
Product Design Strategy
Ariane JägerOtto Dietrich
Cathryn Mc Anespy
Already existing online casting websites try to attract models with misleading slogans like: “empower the models”. These websites circumvent agencies, actually neglecting the rights of models. Whereas agencies always negotiate in the best interest of the models.
A platform where casting agents, models, and agencies can work together simultaneously: this is what agent Barbara Schulze and photographer Janine Marold wished for themselves and their entire industry. They founded hello studio! and brought UseTree on board for the conceptualisation and visual design of their idea.

Firstly the needs of the three players in the casting process were analysed: How do they really work at the moment? Which capabilities and permissions must be given to whom? What are the benefits of switching to a digitised process? This information was converted into personas, by the UseTree consultants, and from that a customer journey was defined.
It became clear how important it is to inform all participants simultaneously and fairly, for instance, about blocked or released shooting dates. The UX designers paid particular attention, in their concept, to ensuring security when saving and transmitting valuable image data. The creation, visualisation, exchange, editing and presentation of the eCasting can be done completely or partially online.

From a project enquiry to the contract conclusion, hello studio! offers each user processes that are seamless and completely tailor made. The simple and valuable visual design supports a clear orientation within the often complex casting process.
The “Merge-View” is a good example which demonstrates the freedom of composition. Here, the users can collaborate and upload images from various sources. Agencies can organise their presentations into individual online selections, review them before publishing, coordinate appointments, check fees and verify contracts before concluding them.

Models, casting agents and agencies are connected more easily with hello studio! without compromising on accuracy or quality.
‘The results are beautiful, enchanting and far exceed our expectations! Now we are filling the tool with life – and sharing it with the world!’
hello studio!